MacPherson Capital acquires and manages manufacturing companies across Canada with a focus on both near-term income generation and long-term value creation.
Acquisition Criteria
MacPherson Capital has a very strict acquisition criteria to ensure both near-term income generation and long-term value creation:
- Profitable Cash Flow: We seek companies with a proven track record of positive cash flow.
- Established Firms: We target mature businesses with a history of stability.
- Long-Term Clientele: Our focus is on companies with enduring relationships with their clients.
- Production Scalability: We prioritize businesses with the potential to boost production volume using existing machinery.
- Succession Planning: We engage with owners who are contemplating retirement or seeking to transition out of their businesses.
How MacPherson Capital Achieves Short-Term Income Generation
Our commitment to acquiring companies that demonstrate positive cash flow, possess a well-established history, and maintain long-term client relationships affords us the opportunity to generate immediate returns from day one. This approach not only provides our investors with a secure investment environment but also allows us the time needed to construct sustainable long-term value.
How MacPherson Capital Cultivates Long-Term Value
At MacPherson Capital, we firmly believe in laying a robust foundation as a prerequisite for fostering, sustainable growth. Our initial focus is on optimizing the manufacturing process, whether through the integration of automation or the identification of cost-reduction strategies that do not compromise product quality. Once we establish a sturdy footing, our attention turns toward growing sales and marketing efforts to unlock the fullest potential of the business.
About Us
Meet MacPherson Capital Inc., a privately-held company with a clear mission: to acquire small and medium-sized manufacturing businesses across Canada. Our goal is simple yet impactful - to keep these Canadian manufacturing companies in Canadian hands, secure jobs in our homeland, and contribute to the growth of our nation's economy.
About the founder
My dad always had this saying, "You don't learn just by watching; it's about going after your dreams and learning from your mistakes as you go." Growing up, I had big dreams of playing in the NHL. To make it happen, I went through a crazy routine: taking the subway, a train, and a long bus ride for over two hours just to get from Toronto to Oakville. There, I trained with some of the best players in my age group - some of them are in the NHL today. But as my last year of hockey approached, I had to face the reality that my chances of having a long and successful career were slim. That's when I decided to retire.
After hanging up my hockey skates, I took a year off after high school because I didn't know what I wanted to do next. During that year, I tried all sorts of things to figure out my path. I waited tables at a restaurant, even tried sport called Skeleton (its similar to bobsledding) and went on an incredible backpacking trip across Europe. But the moment that changed my life forever was...

One day, out of the blue, my grandfather called and asked me to visit his manufacturing plant where he'd been making commercial and military antennas since 1977. We didn't get to see each other often because we lived far apart, so I eagerly agreed. That day, he gave me a deep dive into his business and made me an offer I couldn't refuse - the chance to work alongside him while I pursued a university education. He'd teach me how to run a manufacturing plant from the ground up. I jumped at the opportunity.
When I first set foot in the factory, I had no clue what to expect. I thought I'd end up in some office job, but boy, was I wrong! On day one, they handed me a pair of work boots and sent me to the gritty backrooms to tackle some of the toughest jobs in the factory. Over my time in university, I worked in every nook and cranny of that place, from the factory floor to the office, learning how to run a manufacturing plant from the bottom up.
After I graduated from university, I dove into the world of real estate investment, focusing on buying multifamily properties. But I quickly realized I had a lot to learn. So, I did what my grandpa had taught me - I started from scratch. When I bought one of my properties, I packed up a suitcase with clothes, tools, and an air mattress. I hit the road, and for a whole month, I lived on that air mattress, learning how to renovate apartment units from the skilled tradesmen.
With seven figures in real estate assets, I couldn't ignore the itch to run my own manufacturing plant any longer. I started exploring the possibility, and the moment I stepped into a manufacturing plant for the first time, I knew this was my calling. The smell alone brought back all those memories of working with my grandpa, who, sadly, passed away in August of 2021.
Today, my mission is clear - I acquire Canadian manufacturing companies to ensure they remain in Canadian hands, protect domestic manufacturing jobs, and contribute to the growth of the Canadian economy.